The Roadmap can be used to guide healthcare science professionals through the most crucial stages of their innovation projects. By following each of the 5 steps contained within the Roadmap, healthcare scientists will become more familiar with the type of activities that are involved in developing and implementing an innovation project.
You can explore each of the 5 steps outlined below in more detail by registering for a free account. The details you provide will enable us to understand the profile of individuals accessing the Roadmap and will assist us in the evaluation of the MAHSE Research and Innovation Project which has been funded by Health Education England (North) to develop a culture of research and innovation within the healthcare science community.
1. Review
The first step in the development of an innovation is to review current service provision and identify areas which could be changed to improve patient outcomes and/or provide efficiency savings to your organisation.
This step includes information on:
Knowing your stakeholders
Identifying a problem
Aligning your service to the strategic objectives of the Trust
2. Explore
Once you have formulated your idea the next step is to develop a detailed project plan that will allow you to take your idea and make it a reality. This is crucial for gaining the support of your colleagues and for obtaining funding.
This step includes information on:
Generating an idea for an innovation
Developing a Project Plan
3. Support
The next stage is to obtain support to further develop the project plan and implement the proposed innovation. This support may be from within your own organisation or via external stakeholders.
This step includes information on:
Gaining the support of senior managers
Collaborating with other NHS services
Building a business case
4. Develop
Pilot studies are a crucial element of good project design as the information acquired from the pilot can inform the final design of the main project thereby improving its chances of success. A well-designed pilot study can therefore save time, money and potentially harm to patients.
This step includes information on:
Importance and limitation of pilot studies
Evaluating your pilot study
5. Launch
Once you have incorporated the lessons learnt from the pilot the next step is to launch the main project. Implementing your idea will require managing changes within your workplace and measuring the impact of your innovation to ensure it is delivering the anticipated benefits.
This step includes information on:
Launching the project
Evaluating and reflecting on the project
Register for free to access the Roadmap then log into our website and visit the Roadmap page.